Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Friends Forever

One thing I loved best about Virginia Tech: no matter who you are or what your interests are, there's someone else like you. I was incredibly blessed to join a fantastic Bible Study my first week of college and we stayed together until we graduated. This past weekend I went up to Atlanta and visited two of my best friends, Karen and Kelli. Kelli lives in Virginia but comes down to visit Karen every summer. We've grown from 3 single college girls to include 3 incredible husbands, 2 sons, and 6 daughters between us. I love the memories we share and the memories we are still making. Kelli and I even have daughters that share the same birthday, born only hours apart.
Here's us in college ( I don't know why it's so rectangular):
Here's us about 2 years ago:
And here's us last weekend (we're at the pool... normally we're MUCH more glamorous):
We had a really good time and I always wish I could stay longer. Maybe one day when the kids are bigger, it can just be the three of us again.
P.S. If you're wondering, only the first picture shows Karen's true height. In the second and third picture, she's standing on a curb and a chair, respectively. Sorry, Karen.

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh I love it. I love you and I love this post. I miss you already! 6 daughters...whoa...we're going to need each other for sure when they leave us ;) And we'll ban together with the 2 boys! Eeekkkkk. I'm talking to MJ about February on our way down to Disney. Can't wait to come to your crib!
